Sunday, May 15, 2011

For the Beauty of the Earth

Finally, and I do mean finally, we had a Saturday when the sun shone long enough for those of us
who like to garden were able get out and beautify the yard. Grass was cut, weeds were pulled, dirt was dug, pots were filled, flowers were bought, and baskets were hung.

We also have a small vegetable garden. Through the years we have used the square foot gardening method which has proved pretty successful. We are becoming more organic too, burying certain food scraps in the garden just like previous generations and are going to experiment this year with another fertilizer made from plants, not chemicals (see ).

We usually plant the same vegetables as they are the perennial favorites: tomatoes in all their varieties,
zucchini which usually ends up feeding the 5000, green beans, lettuce, and carrots. Some we battle the insects, some we battle the rabbits. Nevertheless, there is nothing like eating the bounty of your own garden.

Not only is there beauty found in my own yard, but I appreciate the beauty found in nature. The shear
magnitude of the fauna and the flora, colors, and organizations, is astounding and peaceful at the same time. I welcome the times when I can go to a park, surround myself by nature, and let the brain truly relax and drift off. Sometimes it leads to quiet moments of pondering, thanksgiving, and praise.
I am grateful for our planet Earth and the wonderful beauties it holds.

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