Friday, June 3, 2011

Random Facts Friday June 3, 2011

Hi all,
These are some facts I have learned.
See if you already know them.
Would love to hear from you!

1. The Wheat cent penny was last issued in 1958.

2. To get rid of thistles (my dad likes to call them Canadian Thistles) in your yard- - cut them off
about 2 feet above ground. Then spray Roundup down inside the stem. This will take the herbicide
straight to the roots which can be 8 feet long.

3. La Nina weather influence is just about over. Weather patterns should hopefully return to normal.

4. A local landscaping expert said that vinegar will kill anything with leaves. Try it on your dandelions!

5. recipe: This is the recipe for Nestle's Toll House chocolate chip cookies. Instead of using white and brown sugar, I only use white. I then add molasses to the recipe. Start with a teaspoon and add more depending upon how dark you like your brown sugar. In fact you can make your own brown sugar for other recipes too using this same formula.

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