Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spiritual Sunday: Walking Through The Door

Picture yourself coming home from work and others are waiting for your arrival. It could be a pet and/or family members. In the first scenario, your first words may be some form of greeting, but fast becomes one of how tired you are, or some other negative paragraph summary. Little eye-to-eye contact is made, others in the room are soon forgotten.

The second scenario is just the opposite. You walk through the door with a smile. Whatever was on your mind when you left the office, you decided it can wait. This is time set aside for others. A time to connect with the pet, relax or exercise with a friend, or listen to family members tell about their day because you are interested in them for their sake in a casual not causal manner. Smiles beget smiles. Humans need to be with others and need to relax. 

A gemstone carver is a true artist. Cutting a stone to achieve as many facets as possible takes time and research. Without smiling, thinking of others, etc. you are a one facet person. But by listening to others, enjoying learning, and giving the brain some time to relax, you begin to add dimension (facets) to yourself.

You may find there are many more doors you would like to open.

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