Monday, October 3, 2011

Peace versus Fun

Remember the old adage: Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you may die? I think this was the motto for the entire '60's decade. It meant basically do whatever you want to, at whatever degree you want to because you who knows- you could die the next day. It gave the person the excuse to have no behavior boundaries, to be gluttonous with fun.

Even gluttony has payback. And those who had too much fun and decided they wanted to get back to "even", will tell you it was a long trail and trial. This earth and its human race was just not designed to be at extremes. There is balance here.

Which brings us to peace. Inner peace. There is a still small voice in each of us. Some may call it a "gut feeling". It is the voice that rights our ship, if you will. It keeps us on a steady a path. A path that may not be overly glamorous, or extremely filled with adrenaline, or watches others "have all the fun".
But it doesn't pull us into the places that feel nice and warm which seem ok and then too late realizes we  are in life threatening situations and can't get out.

Staying on the path that we know is right feels good and gives us ultimately, peace.

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