Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spiritual Sunday: Choosing to rest like Mother Nature

Today I woke up and there was frost on the grass. The flowers were ok, but I know the time for Mother Nature to rest is coming soon. I learned this week that I should pull my annuals before they are smitten with frost because any disease, etc. will be frozen and lay dormant ready to come alive in Spring. I have always hated to pull those flowers while they are still pretty, but now I understand Fall is given to me to prepare for Spring. That makes me feel better.

We have so many choices. Do you choose different activities during Mother Nature's "quiet time"? That is true for me--I read some non-fiction material and perhaps incorporate into my life, needlecrafts, and organizing for example. I also have a goal to rest, thinking Mother Nature has a pretty good idea but I don't always meet that part of my plan!

Of course our bodies and minds need to take a break more times than 1 season. They cannot work properly if asked to be a "top break speed" all the time. They need nourishment AND rest. When was the last time you really allowed yourself to take a true break? When did you choose not to work, go shopping, watch sports, go to a movie, or even go to a restaurant? All of these are people oriented and remind us of the rush-around pace of the world.

Here are some suggestions to choose to do on your day off to go away from the crowd and truly rest:
1. Go to a park, bring a blanket, relax. Bring a book, something to eat, a journal to write down whatever thoughts come to mind.
2. Take photos of small objects that you usually take for granted, go by each day, etc. Stay in one place and take photos of the same view every 60 minutes. Print and frame to remember the day.
3. Take time to doodle with pen/paper; playdough(I prefer the homemade cooked recipe); silly putty(also homemade); etc. while listening to favorite music through headphones while outdoors.
4. If you are fortunate to be able to live close to water(creek, pond, river, lake) sit beside the bank and use your senses-hear, see, smell, touch. And for all, pick a nature spot--how many parts of the ecosystem can you identify? How many live in each layer? Get lost in the big picture.

1 comment:

  1. your post reminds me of one of the scenes from fantasia when all the fairies dance around and welcome in each new season. I love this time of year when leaves change, and I can open my window at night to have the cool crisp fresh air help me stay comfortable as I sleep.
