Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Working Wednesday: Ohio's Farm Science Review

You see that I posted a day early. I did so purposefully because the Farm Science Review is held annually on the 3rd week of September from Tuesday through Thursday. Thus, today was opening day this year. I attended and was not disappointed and encourage those who can, to travel to London, Ohio for either Wednesday or Thursday. Please see http://fsr.osu.edu/. The twitters give you updates throughout the day.

You will see that The Ohio State University, a land grant school, is the sponsor. Also Purdue University is a partner for a great Midwest agricultural business open air conference. This is not a state fair. This is not a social event. This is a place to talk bottom line and profit margins.
Today's attendance was above average: 48,360 people!

Which state in the nation is #1 in Swiss Cheese production, #2 in chicken egg production, and #3 in growing tomatoes? Ohio. Did you know last year's Ohio corn crop brought in $3.0 billion or that the soybean crop gross amount was $2.6 billion? Did you know agribusiness is a $102 billion industry in Ohio?

Agribusiness is the original big business. At an international economical development conference I attended a year ago, I met a sheep farmer from Australia. Where does he sell his wool? France. Why? It is the best place to do so and has been that way since the Middle Ages.

The Farm Science Review also has a Center for Small Farms located on Corn Ave. with seminars running all day on such topics as Financial Management, Aquaculture, and Berry Production. And for those backyard gardeners, the Master Gardeners are there to answer your questions and give classes at the Utzinger Memorial Garden. The Gwynne Conservation Area is not to be missed. Catch a shuttle bus and get ideas for yourself and your community, like growing perennials native to Ohio because they need less watering. There is something for everyone at the Farm Science Review!

1 comment:

  1. I have gone to the FSR so many times (and worked there a few years too) and I always find something new to discover. Glad you enjoyed it this year.
