Saturday, September 3, 2011

Alone in the Car: News Media is a Business Sector

Some months ago I decided to read several local newspapers from cities around the country along with my current city here in Ohio. One is near the East Coast and one is in the Rocky Mountain area of our country. I could(can) relate to all 3 since I lived(live) there and would get 3 different editorial regional views.

It has been quite interesting to compare what the editorial boards decide to publish and what the journalistic style is, if they all cover the same story.  Facts are pretty easy to ascertain because they are listed in all 3 articles. I prefer the traditional style and look to see if the newspaper will use it--who, what, where, when, why, and how, which respects me as the one to make the final call. It always piques my curiosity to see what adjectives and adverbs are used to persuade me the reader.

Just to see the national stories chosen by the editorial boards is a lesson all of its own. Many times, the 3 newspapers don't cover the same news. I wonder if it is because the readers would not be interested or is it because the boards choose to avoid coverage? Or is it sometimes a combination? That is for others to decide. All I know is what I see when I pull up the websites.

I know that I have benefited from reading more than one point of view. I try to not only rely on this method of gathering information on important news of the day, but listening to news, discussing it with people I trust, and pondering upon what facts and opinions I have gathered.

In these days and times, we all need to stay informed. We all need to ponder and make up our own minds.
Newspapers and other media forms are businesses and as such have a bottom line, a profit margin, just like any other business. Whether someone looses or wins, there will always be a headline. Decide for yourself. Write your own headline. 

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