Sunday, August 14, 2011

Majestic Experiences

Every time I think of the word "majestic", I think of the Grand Canyon. I am not a desert girl by any means. I am definitely the green grass, deciduous tree, flowers v. cactus type of person. But the last time I traveled through the arid area of our country, it was through Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks. It took my breath away. Expansive, impressive, respectful, humbling. It is the visual I have in my mind when I use the phrase "panoramic view".

I read several newspapers online everyday. One of my favorite columns is by John Switzer who usually writes about nature and weather. Today, he completely surprised me because the title of his article was, " Mormon Tabernacle Choir Leaves Lasting Impression" (See: As what I would expect, John and his wife were out west to view the natural sites of Jackson Hole, Wyo.; Grand Teton mountain range; and Yellowstone National Park/Old Faithful geyser. They decided to stop in Salt Lake City and listen to the Choir during their Sunday morning radio/T.V. performance. Simply, he was surprised (as I was at the Grand Canyon) and paraphrasing his column, John experienced a majestic performance.

The word "majestic" first appeared in English writing in 1601 as an adjective from the noun "majesty". That word first appeared in writing in English about 1300 meaning "magnificence". Borrowed from Old French meaning "grandeur"; borrowed from Latin meaning "greatness, dignity".

I hope you have had some "majestic" experiences in your life and hope there are more to come. They help to complete us, to enrich our lives, to add perspective.

If you need ideas, here are just a few:
1. Choose a clear night sky, find a quiet place, lay down on a blanket, and stare up at the stars.

2. Writing of some form started about 5000 years ago. "True" writing began about 3000 years ago. By reading a book, you continue the human experience. Choose one that has meaning for you.

3. I know I couldn't have put together our bodies the way they are. Talk about team effort and each part treated equally! I am amazed every time I see a brand new baby... If you don't have a chance to be a part of a baby's life and understand the majesty of child development, get in touch with your inner child. Children are all about discovery. They love and delight in it. Choose a "mini-bucket" list and go for it!

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