Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is Your Light On?

When my children were in their early elementary years and heading out the door to school, I started a routine of asking questions. One of them was, "Is your light on?". In other words, were they going to make good choices that day and perhaps by doing this others would be influenced to make good choices too. Right along with this, I would encourage them to choose good friends, which became increasingly important as they got older.

We all have this light within. I truly believe this is why we are attracted to newborn babies. It is not just because they are warm, cuddly, cozy, and cute. There is something deep inside each of us that recognizes what we once had ourselves. Babies glow with this light and we are not exactly sure what it is but we want to be near it--it seems familiar.

By working at being a good person, we can get some of the light back/keeping what we have. These are a few suggestions. Nothing new here, folks. Just common sense. But putting common sense into action is the challenge.

1. Doing good to others as we would want others to treat us.
2. Leave a place better than you found it.
3. Use the skills and talents you seem to just naturally have, especially if you can share them with others.
4. If you are fortunate to have discretionary funds, think of others/organizations that need help. Giving your time, is also important. Service lifts your spirit and feeds your soul.
5. Say "thank you" or compliment at least one person each day and mean it. Pause, look them in the eye, and say your sentence or two with sincerity.

1 comment:

  1. May I offer: don't wait for your chance to speak in a conversation, really hear what the other is saying first, and then respond. The true art of listening.
