Saturday, August 6, 2011

Alone in the Car: "On the Ground" versus Statistics

This is certainly the age old question - what is more accurate, anecdotal records or data? Is what you have heard in first person what really counts, or the collection of facts, which usually occurs in greater numbers, better?

For me, I like hearing what is going on up front and personal. I weigh heavily upon non-verbal communication, which is supposed to be 80% of communication. I can ask follow-up questions for more clarification, details, and in some cases expansion to better understand the situation. I like the fact that I can get the information with all its subtleties and perhaps from the source itself.

Statistics have their place too. They are a good starting point for a discussion. The person "on the ground" and involved directly may or may not confirm what the data say. They will then add their evaluation and explain why they do/do not agree.

Computers are great for compiling statistics, graphs, charts, etc. But I still say, it is the real deal- a person - that I prefer for the best source of information.

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