Sunday, July 3, 2011

Time Stood Still

I have some friends who were in a severe car accident. When news first reached us, all we knew was that the parents were injured and 1 of their 5 children was in critical condition. Three of their children were in another car with the grandparents. The grandparents saw the whole accident unfold as it happened right in front of them. The dad had hydroplaned during a thunderstorm.

Today, about 2 weeks later, we found out more details. The grandfather was noted to say that it was as if time stood still and allowed the van to slide cross the freeway lanes without car or truck interference and land in the grass. Thus it was a one-car accident and not a multi-car one. A Miracle born.

The little girl injured was expected to die that first night. Close friends rushed to the accident scene, others met the family at the different hospitals and assisted where they could. Instantly cell phones were used at the accident scene and family members several time zones away were alerted. Prayers and fasting began. I dare say time stood still for those that received the phone calls.

The dad has recovered, the mother is doing ok, and the little girl - - should be out of the hospital in about 3 weeks. A second Miracle born.

I acknowledge the importance of times that Time Stood Still and Miracles born. It makes us stay connected to each other, allow service to be given and hearts to overflow, and sets examples for us to live by.

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