Saturday, July 2, 2011

Alone in the Car: A Salute to the Founding Fathers

This blog was created with the Founding Fathers as one of its guiding principles. I had read the book, "The Summer of 1787" by David Stewart some time ago, and have pondered about that summer ever since.

Those men truly got The Panoramic View. Many members of the Constitutional Convention came in May thinking they would end up with 4 countries: New England, the Middle states, the South, and the Northwest Territories(which included Ohio). Because of their Panoramic View, they stuck with it, returning again and again to the same issues. They formed committees which would discuss, write a portion of the Constitution, and bring it back to the full Convention. This happened throughout the summer until the committees in August wrote for the last time the sections, using what had come about from previous attempts.  They made compromises and tough decisions. They also knew the Constitution would still have to go back to the states for final approval.  The "every day" citizen was ever in their minds. Because of this process, they created a document that has stood the test of time.

They also get my respect because these men met behind closed doors. The delegates met in Philadelphia, the nation's largest city which was home to about 40,000 people. They met at Pennsylvania's statehouse, what we know as "Independence Hall". They had all the windows shut and asked that guards stand at the doors of the room when they met. Philadelphia is quite hot and humid in the summer, but no one was going to know what was discussed. The delegates told no one either. Interesting thought...

I salute these men who set a course for this country that was unprecedented.  Many nations have used our Constitution as a model for their own.

What an incredible generation of people. A generation who understood The Panoramic View.
Happy 4th of July!

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