Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Unit

During Sunday School, our church has children give sermonettes. This is through a rotation system so every child has an opportunity to speak, is given a specific topic to speak on, and they talk for just a few minutes.

I learned about an 8 year old child named Will who spoke on the family. He talked about how he liked riding horses and going roping with his dad. Will said the rope would not be very strong with only 1 strand, but with more strands working together, the rope is strong to get the job done.

He likened the strength of the rope to the strength of the family.  If only 1 person was doing good things, the family would not be strong, but when all are working hard to do good things, then the family will be very strong. That is why he tries to play nice with his sister and brother, do his chores, and listen to his parents.

The family is the smallest unit of government. It is also the smallest unit of a business, delegation, efficiency, etc. These things are in and of themselves quite a lot to ponder about.

But today is Spiritual Sunday theme. So let's ponder about what a family is under this theme. It is where people of any age contribute to, be examples for, and learn about values, charitable acts, and making good choices. It is a place to feel safe, to feel loved, to learn lessons on life, and to recognize there is Someone who knew you from the Beginning.

And that is the Panoramic View. The majesty of it all includes everyone. Every continent, nation, state, city, town, village, and family. You fit in and your family is important. Decide in your family what is right and wrong, stay true, be courageous and help each other just like Will. And if you don't have a biological family, then create one - - a small group of friends that you know you can rely on and share good ideas and actions.

Remember your strand counts and woven together with other strands, the rope can pass down to the next generation.

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