Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Working Wednesday: Just Waiting Now

I know I haven't written much about small business in the last few months. It's not that I have stopped researching or networking for my readers. I continue to read through as many sources as I usually do for new, updated, and/or interesting news to assist you in your small business success. Even though your sphere of influence may not be huge in your particular business sector, you still want to and need to know what is going on.

The years just preceding the American Civil War were hard. Those with clearer heads and minds still tried to keep the states united. But it became pretty convincing to most: what the Founding Fathers had tried to avoid in order for all states to agree to a Constitution was finally here. The conflicting ways of life and ways of conducting business in the Northern and Southern states were going to battle each other. Now it was just anyone's guess as to where the first engagement would be. Now we know it was Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

Do you feel between 2008 and 2012 you have been in a battle to stay afloat? Do you feel you have won? You may have seen some of your weaker comrades not make it through, and there may be those you know who truly tried their best but it just wasn't meant to be. I send my regrets and am sorry for their loss. I believe many of the small businesses who have made it thus far have changed their business plans, operations, number of employees and/or their training and/or job description. Many have looked at and ventured into new business sectors, conducted energy audits of their buildings, and gone "green". You have done so because you had to help/add to the bottom line. At the very least, small and large companies have been storing away funds. They are unsure of the future, waiting for what is to come next, as if the story still has one more chapter to write.

Like the years before the Civil War and this Recession, I too feel there is more to come. Could be because China, Japan, and Taiwan are fighting over several uninhabited islands with oil and gas deposits. China needs 10% growth per year in their economy or they go bust. The government must keep the masses concentrating on something else other than the economy or the government will be the ones to go bust.

Or will it be because Europe is bankrupt? Yes, not every country is bankrupt...yet. But the few strong countries can't keep floating all the bad ones. And right now, there are more countries in the red than there are in the black.

Or will it be because of the Middle East. The Middle East. The region of the world where for thousands of years NO ONE has been happy. They are always arguing, fighting, overtaking. Doesn't matter if it was before oil was discovered or not. It doesn't matter how many diplomatic missions have been sent or by whom. If you believe past behavior predicts future behavior, then don't you think thousands of years is enough to predict what is going to happen next?

This time it is with nuclear weapons. Will Israel strike before Iran has the capability of nuclear bombs? Will Iran decide the Jews don't deserve a homeland?

And then there is our American Presidential and Congressional elections. Probably the last piece of the puzzle. All has been quiet in the business world waiting to see who wins. Companies have been saving money, not investing in new employees, machinery, technology, etc. until we know who will submit for consideration, legislation and who will vote on the laws of the land.

We have all taken in a deep breath. We all have our lives and the way we make our living on hold. What are we waiting on? We are waiting on the big event that will change our lives. As stated above, I just don't know the location of the first engagement. Let us pray we are ready for it. Let us hope we can team together to solve it. Let us make sure we have the vision to endure it. Let us always, always turn around and grab the hand of the person behind us and pull them up.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is interesting, all over the world we are all about to burst. Overflowing rivers of finical ruin because we live by the want now, pay later. Well its later, and no one can pony up the bill.
