Monday, July 9, 2012

Alone in the Car: Women in Need, Women Can Cure\07\08\story_8-7-2012_pg4_7
PHOTO: Egyptian protesters shout slogans at a protest in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, June 8, 2012.
 Egyptian protesters shout slogans at a protest in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, June 8, 2012. (Amr Nabil/AP Photo)

I am having trouble with blogspot. So Sorry. See Alone in the Car Part II for the end of this editorial. I have thought long and hard on this subject. The news report deeply affected me and quite frankly I hope it will affect you too. The article is about women marching in Egypt over sexual harassment that has been on the increase. Public sexual harassment is something Egyptian women have had to put up for a long time, but now it is worse. An incident happened in December, 2011, but more are occurring. The news article listed above explains this in detail.
Women are to be respected. This is not a political statement. This is not a religious statement. This is not a competitive statement. This is not a comparative statement. This is not a biological statement.

This is just an objective statement.

If anything, it is an etiquette statement. Open the door for the person behind you. Pick up the book someone dropped and give it back to them. Eat soup with a spoon. Show respect to your elders. Show respect to women. Show respect to all by not hurting them.

Women's job is to demonstrate peace to their children from the very beginning. The world is missing this and we women need to fix it because many of us aren't fulfilling our role. We need to remember what our great-great, great-, and grandmothers did. We all know stories of survival from their generations. We also know they had time to teach their children manners such as how to wash before supper, shake hands properly, say "thank you" when given a present, and donate to the needy. Are you just deciding all those women were wrong? Too tired to teach your kids? Rather have them argue and fight because it is easier for you than teaching solutions? Are we so busy that we can't do that anymore? Why are you not taking your womanhood seriously?


Is the world turning so fast, that we can't stop and tell our children, especially boys since we are talking about respecting women, not to hurt and be peaceful? We need to teach our children manners.
I see young ones pushing and shoving and grabbing. Way, way too many adults watch and laugh at this aggressive behavior. Ok, I give. What makes your child better by hurting others?

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