Monday, July 23, 2012

Alone in the Car: Guns are Inanimate Objects

Tragedies seem to be around us in our everyday life: schools, at work, and now movie theaters. You want to absorb the sadness so you don't become numb to senseless killings. You want to participate in the memorials, even from where you live and maybe just by your thoughts, because you know the victims are part of someone's family and you place value on home, family, and safety.

 Our world moves at a very fast place. It requires that all people, regardless of age, gender, religion, race, skills, hobbies, or favorite color keep up. I wonder what Benjamin Franklin or Abigail Adams would think of our day. Would they be able to keep up with our times? Could I live in theirs? I would like to try some days for sure!

I often wonder of those who commit such crimes like the man who shot the people in Aurora, Colorado if he could have lived in a different time and been ok. A slower, more melodic time where the brain had more time to process and decompress between intervals of high speed work. We are bombarded with information nowadays that the brain constantly has to decide what to keep and what to throw away, what is a priority and what should be stored, and how to categorize information. Do you give this machine of yours enough cool down time or even turn it off long enough so when the brain is working it can work at full capacity?

Guns are inanimate objects. They cannot move by themselves, think by themselves, shoot by themselves. Someone has to load bullets into the chamber in order for the gun to fire. It has to be in good working condition to operate effectively. This it cannot do by itself.

People make guns work. People decide if guns will be used for a good purpose or an evil one. People can be trained to respect a gun and its power and use it for the right reason.

If guns are banned, then I say ban fire. Fire has good and bad purposes. People have been trained to use fire for good. I have a stove and oven in my kitchen. I know what to do with a stove and an oven. It is about common sense, training our children from the beginning, and punishing the people who use fire the wrong way. Not everyone who has a stove and an oven should be penalized for the wrongs of a few.

I truly believe if guns were allowed through better concealed gun laws, less tragedy would occur. Again, it is about common sense, training our children from the beginning, and punishing just the people who use guns the wrong way. Not everyone who has a gun should be penalized for the wrongs of a few.

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