Monday, May 21, 2012

Alone in the Car: the G-8 Summit

The G-8 Summit just concluded and the U.S. was the host. The countries that comprise the G-8 economies are: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States. Each one has a turn at being host and as mentioned above, it was our turn. Pres. Obama chose Camp David for the setting of the meeting held over the weekend.  The host sets the agenda and leaders discussed Greece and Europe much of the time. Problems and solutions for these obviously impact much of the world.

One of the solutions was growth. Economies have got to find a way to grow to get out of the debt incurred by their governments and private companies alike. Austerity, cutting back, frugality is the other way. My guess too is there was discussion about combining both, but which one leads the way and is the more predominant measure split the leaders up.

Some in governments believe they need a kick start by taxing the rich. I refer you to my blog about taxing ideas: Alone in the Car: Let's Make Federal Taxes For Everyone, April 30, 2012. I stand by those 2 ideas as the best ideas. But... I am willing to consider a 3rd idea since taxing the rich keeps coming up from the White House and certain members of Congress.

Let's just tax the Snobby Rich. The ones who are rude, arrogant, conceited, and egotistical. You know those people. They expect to get in line first just because they have more money than you. They tie their shoes just like you, but would be offended if they weren't given the best of the best. They don't want to remember where they came from.

I recommend a committee to choose said Snobby Rich be from Congress. We haven't had a federal government budget in 3 years. Congressional party leaders don't seem to get out of Washington D.C. much as evidenced by their 10% approval rating. Give them something to do since their jobs are not value added right now. Imagine them in a small business setting. How long would they last, not presenting a budget plan to the owner for 3 years? This would be their last chance to show they know what they are doing. After all, they surely know those that could qualify for this tax, right?

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