Friday, March 23, 2012

Random Facts Friday: March 23, 2011

Well, where I live March has been acting like a lamb for most of the month. Mother Nature, thank you!
I hope you have been able to get out of the office and take advantage of the great weather. Breathe some fresh air and give your brain some oxygen for another round of strategic planning and action.

But for now, just take a minute and read some random facts:
1. There is some discussion as to what sport/sporting competition was the first one in college. I favor the story of Yale creating a boating club in 1843, followed by Harvard in 1844. The first intercollegiate competition was naturally rowing between Yale and Harvard in 1852.

2.  Some believe it helps putting a penny in the water for cut flowers. It's because the copper could act as a fungicide.

3. During the rainy season, the Amazon River will spill over its banks by as much as 10 - 12 miles.

4. Over 90% of the animal species in the Amazon rainforest are insects. A single square mile can have more than 50,000 species.

5. Recipe: Flavored Water
I used to order lemonade at restaurants, but found the flavor was way too strong. Also, I know I should drink water, but hate just plain water. So, I solved the problem by ordering ice water and asking for 2 slices of lemon. Then I squeeze the slices and toss the peels into the glass. If I want, I add a little fake sugar for a refreshing drink. I repeat this at home.

I have used this with lime too. Others have suggested berries and even mint and ginger. Just find the flavors that work for you. Sometimes it depends when the fruit are in season. I have a mint plant patch in my yard and use that flavor more in the summer. Mint is very easy to grow and will take over. It needs constant trimming. Mint is easy to dry also. 

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