Monday, March 12, 2012

Alone in the Car: And I Really Mean Alone in the Car

I haven't done a true tough-in-cheek editorial for a long time, and decided now is the time.
It is about the auto industry.
Ohio and the Midwest were hit hard with the downturn of car manufacturing. Many jobs were lost, not only at the assembly plants, but midsize and small companies who manufactured particular parts. Lessons learned, efficiencies discovered, and some tier 1 and 2 suppliers survived, venturing into new markets.

I too have an idea for bringing back the auto sector. Redesign the HVAC in the front seat of cars.

Have you ever noticed the front passenger side gets more heat or sometimes more air conditioning than the driver? Why is that? I am alone in my car more times than with someone. Think about yourself: driving to and from work, the errands you run, meetings you go to, events you attend, etc. etc. Why would the design call for more heat for the passenger than the driver?

I have driven domestic and foreign, brand new and used, "better" and basic. They are all the same! Why on earth would car manufacturers decide the empty space(passenger side) floor vent needs to be better than the driver's?

So a small or midsize company needs to come up with a design that will revolutionize the industry. Find a company that will change their front seat floor vent and market this to drivers. Drivers who want to be comfortable. And while they are at it, the vent should point to the feet, not at an angle that hits the driver's face. But I don't want to ask too much at one time. That would mean the designers would have to multi-task. However, I still feel I have a great idea. Ahh, to drive down the road and have the whole body feel warmth.What a concept.

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