Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Alone in the Car: Thanksgiving Holiday

I have read news reports of schools who don't allow the story of the first Thanksgiving to be taught. I am sorry to hear that. To this day, I still gather facts about the Pilgrims and the tribes that helped them.
I find the story fascinating--religious freedom, learning how to live in a different enviornment, establishing new friendships and trusts, and instituting the Mayflower compact.

One of the hardest things in studying history is overlaying our current culture on top of a culture of long ago. Some things of course are abhorent, no matter what. Other times, I am not sure we can entirely grasp what others felt. I try very hard to express not only the objective but the subjective in my journal writings. I write the entries not for myself, but for my descendents. Perhaps my descriptions will lead them to clues for cures, discoveries, cultural understanding, and of course first person accounts of historical events. Perhaps also, for those that won't know me personally, they will be introduced to one of their ancestors and feel how vast their family tree truly is, whether on this earth or beyond.

It would not be right if I left this blog without saying a few words about what I am grateful for. There are 2 ways to look at this--the truly big things that never really leave your mind and push you along life's path, like "family". Or the little pieces of the puzzle that make you realize how wonderful this world is, like watching fireflies during summer nights. So I decided to list a few from each.

1. The Constitution of the United States
2. Singing
3. Color

4. Gathering seashells
5. Hugs from a toddler
6. Opening up a buckeye nut pod

I hope you have a good holiday.
Would love to hear what you are grateful for this year!

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