Monday, March 11, 2013

Working Wednesday: Small Business Continues To Lead, Even Without Headlines

I keep looking for major media outlets to give the "large" small business sector credit where credit is due. Something flashy for once. An in-depth look at all the positives small businesses make to Community, USA. They are everywhere, keeping economies going and people employed.

The U.S. Small Business Administration states that:
99.7% of employers are small businesses
50% of the GNP (Gross National Product) comes from small businesses
75% of new jobs come from small businesses

Take for instance a new survey that has interesting facts about small business.

In this survey:
88% of adults said they view small businesses favorably.
80% of adults said they would view a company negatively if a company sent jobs overseas.
I would think small businesses invest in the town where they "grow up" and stay for a long time.

These statistics show once again:
1. Customers want to have strong, trusting relationships. Continue to go out of your way to answer their questions. Practice reading people's behavior so you know when to invest in a little expenditure for a big pay-off later.
2. You have many resources when you are ready to hire. Check out your customers for potential employees, suggestions from current employees, and those you know through outside contacts, besides those that apply. Also let those you trust know you are hiring. Perhaps they will have ideas.
3. Being honest and hard working will pay off in many ways. It keeps customers coming back. The best want to work for the best and will apply for jobs with you. And small business owners are entrepreneurs. Hopefully you want your employees to be team players and introduce new ideas.  All of these ideas, and more, create a successful attitude and environment able to weather the storm and soar through blue-sky days.

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