Friday, April 6, 2012

Random Facts Friday: April 6, 2011

April 6th, wow. It is a"full moon" day, Good Friday, Passover, and the anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh (Civil War). Walk lightly, my friends and be grateful for the many blessings we have and the services we can render to others.

Here are some random facts I learned this week:
1. Maybe you will be making traditional foods this weekend. Some will date back generations. Parmigiano Reggiano cheese has documents to show it has been made for almost 1000 years.

2. A mother back in the 1700's in Russia birthed 69 children: 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets.

3. Tradition says that large white trumpet looking lilies were found in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ's death, thus becoming the flower for Easter and the symbol of hope.

4. In Medieval Europe, during Lent no eggs were eaten. Households would use up all their eggs before Lent began, which established the tradition of Pancake Day. Eggs were once again allowed at Easter meals. Some dishes and breads have dyed eggs prominently displayed. The egg was a symbol of new life not just for Christians, but also for the Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Romans.

5. Recipe: I have dyed eggs using the traditional methods including food dye, Wilton's cake dye, and some natural dyes. This year I found an idea using old silk ties. Here is the website: Have fun!

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