Friday, May 18, 2012

Alone in the Car: A Time for Preparation?

The media covered 2 news stories this week about Iran and their nuclear capabilities.
I chose 2 sources as references, but many outlets carried the same facts:

From what I can gather, just a "Main Street" person like anyone else, is that tension is building and the tension could be resolved by force before our November elections. At least according to the news report listed above. 

How would that affect us on Main St.? Would it affect us at all? 
The United State is in a war now in Afghanistan, but it is not WWII. People can still buy sugar, shoes, pantyhose(nylons). There is more than one color (red) of lipstick on the drugstore shelves. People go about their business today as they did through the Gulf War, Bosnian War, and even clear back to the Viet Nam War.

Let's assume for discussion sake that we will be affected. Well we do know we import more than we export. Just look at your clothing labels, food you purchase at the grocery store. Those countries may be disrupted and/or shipping can't get goods to us. Finances and cash flow is not really done by cash exchange but electronically nowadays. Would that be disrupted?

Case in point: Greece. People are pulling their money out of banks. Almost all the crude oils the country has comes from imports, but the government has no way of paying for it. Their country is bankrupt. The European Union has said, if they won't get stricter with their national budget, they will be kicked out and the country will return to using the Drachma which is worthless.

We were surprised in August, 2008, remember? One after another financial institution fell and fell hard. That did affect Main St., it got to your level and mine. It may still be affecting you in some fashion. You want that same level of surprise again? Can you personally take that? Your business, your family, your town? 

I am not saying these things out of fear, just the opposite. Just as if a business owner thoughtfully and deliberately and perhaps with expert advice writes a business model--a business plan-- that is what we all should be doing now in case something of earthquake proportions rocks our economic world.  

Think, write down all your thoughts as they come to mind, and then start organizing them into categories/patterns. See what is missing and add those categories too. Then think details-who, what, when, where, why, and how. Do this for yourself, your loved ones, and your business. Think of essentials only. I have said this before: no matter how big you build your pyramid, it is not going with you. Let your plan have some flexibility to it, don't make it so rigid you can't make adjustments.  Of course there are many resources on the web, in libraries, network with friends, etc.

Preparation won't clear all the glitches, all the problems, all the late nights. But when the problems do arise, they will be smaller and more manageable. It is better than not doing anything and having the  problems larger than life and having to face chaos. 

Well, I have begun discussion with my loved ones and next comes the plan. I have some ideas and hope to organize them next week. Wish me luck and I will do the same for you!

1 comment:

  1. Preparation certainly increases our confidence in any adverse situation. And confidence can become faith which in turn diminishes fear. I'm all about diminishing fear! Looking forward to the plan and adding to it.
