Thursday, May 2, 2013

Alone in the Car: Leave My Marriage Alone

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The first time the word "marriage" appears in the English language is around 1300.
It came from Old French--"mariage", from the verb "marier" (to marry).

There is nothing in the English etymology dictionary to define it between man and woman or between same genders. I can only assume it means between a man and a woman, befitting the centuries of Western culture and religious traditions. It would be assumed the reader would know marriage would mean between a man and a woman since civil and religious authorities would only approve of a marriage between a man and a woman. Certainly this author grew up in a law abiding,  church-going community where "marriage" meant between a man and a woman.

Therefore, it is a rather recent question for most in the United States to determine what constitutes a legal marriage. I am not here to debate other cultures or religions and their interpretations of the definition. I am merely bringing up the fact that defining marriage to include 2 people of the same gender is new for those of us living in America. And those who want to include the same gender into the definition have gone to the civil authorities to do so, not to those authorities who may include the "traditions of our fathers". Civil authorities, it could be argued, have to stay with the facts. Those who rely more on traditions and churches, may be on the side of "what does your gut tell you?" 

And that is the simpler side of the debate. Here is another one. If we really look at this from a panoramic view, why break down marriage in the first place? What is so wrong about marriage between a man and a woman? And to follow this out further, what is so wrong about families, making a firmer promise, a commitment if you will, to stand by each other no matter what? Service is the heart of any culture. One must think of someone other than yourself in order for a culture to survive. Marriage means you have decided to give service under your roof to someone else. A man and a woman forming and forging a new family with love and service to each other, and then also when children arrive.

I bring to you evidence that the movement to include same gender marriage is not about the simple right to include that in the definition. It is to break down families. Families are essential to the healthy well being of every child and an inalienable right given to everyone by our Creator. That is why there must be a father and a mother. A child receives teachings from each for survival, development, and encouragement. They approach subjects from different angles and the child learns structure, discussion, and challenge from each.

Here is one of the leaders of the same gender movement discussing why she wants the change of marriage definition. The experiments of children being raised outside of a family structure have failed. The basic unit of a father, mother, and children has proven through the test of centuries to be the best.