Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It Is Hard To Be a (Future) Queen

Ah, to live in a perfect world where everyone knows what is proper. For example, not spying on people with long range camera equipment. Or, not spying on people with long range camera equipment when said people are off the clock. Or, cover your body modesty, whether in private or in public. Or cover your body modestly whether in private or in public once you step out of certain rooms (i.e. bedroom/bathroom).

When I first started writing this blog, it became sexual in nature quite quickly. But I deleted the paragraph. That is not the Panoramic View of the problem. The Panoramic View is Individual Responsibility. The photographer was irresponsible. It (can't really call them human) had one thing in mind: greed. Sneaking around important people's private lives to get a "first photo" for gillions of dollars is unacceptable and rude behavior. The Princess had one thing in mind: pride. She wanted to to be beautiful with a "no line" tan. Apparently in Europe, many women go topless when sunbathing. She should be able to sunbathe on a private estate as part of her job, representing the Crown, right?

French law is very strict and if not already, will come down hard against the photographer and magazine(s). Aside from French law, which I consider a Civil Law based on the French culture and its own evolution of acceptability, I would rule against them both with fines. The photographer would be fined based on Decency, Common Sense, and Charitable Acts. Therefore, "It" would have to attend Miss Manners Etiquette classes for 6 months, wear an electronic anklet bracelet for one year, and take portraits of children while they are cancer patients.

The Princess would be fined based also on Decency Act, Royal Family Act, Discreet Act, and through The Female Example and Responsibility Act. She will be assigned a lady-in-waiting much older than her for the next 6 months to "mentor" the Princess in all wardrobe functions and "malfunctions". The princess will have to take the course "How to be a member of the Royal Family since you were raised a commoner" again since she obviously failed the first time. She will also need return to an etiquette class on Discretion. Though this time it is about nudity and her misjudgment regarding such, coming so soon after her brother-in-law's fun time in the city, she obviously failed this course too. Remember, Princess, Kings either put their Queens in a nunnery or on the chopping block if they failed 3 seminars.

And in my opinion, you have come very close. You failed us women all around the globe. You broke the most important law of all: The Female Example and Responsibility Act. Yes, Princess, you should be able to do what you want, when you want. But again I say, this is not a perfect world. Women MUST stand on higher ground. If women don't, we humans become barbarians or worse. You lay half naked (3/4 naked) in the sun while Egyptian women can't even walk outside to get to market to buy food without being sexually assaulted. They are covered from head to toe as is their tradition, yet you get upset over a photo because you are outside. Where was your security? How can they protect you if they cannot look at you? Where were your manners for them?

Since the dawn of time, men look at women with a determination to continue the species. And thankfully so. Humans would have died out long ago. HOWEVER, that determination can be in an imbalance. It is up to women to add to men's lives the striving to "walk up the mountain", to think beyond themselves, to understand there are other vistas to see, to reach below and pull someone up. Without us, indeed without Eve, Adam would have only thought of not eating the fruit, because that was what he was told to do. It was the directive. But Eve knew she had to leave in order to become a mother. She eventually came to understand her own Panoramic View. And they left together.

Princess, your last fine is to study and ponder The Female Example and Responsibility Act. Look for women throughout history who knew this law existed. Interview others. This fine does not have a time period. It is everlasting. Teach it to the generations that come after you. Don't let us down.