Thursday, May 2, 2013

Alone in the Car: Leave My Marriage Alone

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The first time the word "marriage" appears in the English language is around 1300.
It came from Old French--"mariage", from the verb "marier" (to marry).

There is nothing in the English etymology dictionary to define it between man and woman or between same genders. I can only assume it means between a man and a woman, befitting the centuries of Western culture and religious traditions. It would be assumed the reader would know marriage would mean between a man and a woman since civil and religious authorities would only approve of a marriage between a man and a woman. Certainly this author grew up in a law abiding,  church-going community where "marriage" meant between a man and a woman.

Therefore, it is a rather recent question for most in the United States to determine what constitutes a legal marriage. I am not here to debate other cultures or religions and their interpretations of the definition. I am merely bringing up the fact that defining marriage to include 2 people of the same gender is new for those of us living in America. And those who want to include the same gender into the definition have gone to the civil authorities to do so, not to those authorities who may include the "traditions of our fathers". Civil authorities, it could be argued, have to stay with the facts. Those who rely more on traditions and churches, may be on the side of "what does your gut tell you?" 

And that is the simpler side of the debate. Here is another one. If we really look at this from a panoramic view, why break down marriage in the first place? What is so wrong about marriage between a man and a woman? And to follow this out further, what is so wrong about families, making a firmer promise, a commitment if you will, to stand by each other no matter what? Service is the heart of any culture. One must think of someone other than yourself in order for a culture to survive. Marriage means you have decided to give service under your roof to someone else. A man and a woman forming and forging a new family with love and service to each other, and then also when children arrive.

I bring to you evidence that the movement to include same gender marriage is not about the simple right to include that in the definition. It is to break down families. Families are essential to the healthy well being of every child and an inalienable right given to everyone by our Creator. That is why there must be a father and a mother. A child receives teachings from each for survival, development, and encouragement. They approach subjects from different angles and the child learns structure, discussion, and challenge from each.

Here is one of the leaders of the same gender movement discussing why she wants the change of marriage definition. The experiments of children being raised outside of a family structure have failed. The basic unit of a father, mother, and children has proven through the test of centuries to be the best.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Working Wednesday: Updates on Previous Posts

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1. I know I have written several times how important it is to "break bread" together. This helps people relax, allows ideas to flow, gives them something to do with their hands while they are listening and thinking, and if necessary lets them be active during awkward moments of silence. Some people believe this requires a large budget, but it does not. I found this article on the SHRM website which confirms that food can enlist your company in moving forward in-house as well as making connections in the community with the goal to improve your business's profits. The article  is full of ideas. See:

2. I am almost hesitant to write about this, knowing some small business owners will take this information and use it the wrong way, but I am hoping there will be some good that comes out of it too. Every February, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issues new Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, commonly called "poverty levels". Many charities, education, state and federal sponsored programs determine who is eligible for their programs by using the poverty levels charts.
They look at how many people are in a family and how much income the family has from various sources. Each program decides what sources they will use to determine family income. If the family falls at or below the income on the poverty level chart, the family is allowed/not eligible for the program.

Some employers keep salaries low so their employees can be eligible for programs. I do not concur with this line of thinking. It is not the local citizenry's responsibility to pick up the tab for groceries, immunizations, childcare, or housing (to name a few) for capable people in their community because the owner wants a much higher rate of profit. A business owner should honor certain commitments with business ownership and one is to give a fair wage.

But to those who truly need a helping hand, and we all know at least one person who does, here are the new income guidelines. Many programs will allow people to have more income than 100% of the FPIG income rate. These are listed also for your convenience.

 2013 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines:
Family      FPIG          150% of          200% of         250% of         300% of
 1              $11,490       17,235             22,980            28,725            34,470             

 2              $15,510        23,265            31,020            38,775            46,530             

 3              $19,530        29,295            39,060            48,825            58,590             

4               $23,550        35,325            47,100            58,875            70,650              

5               $27,570        41,355            55,140            68,925            82,710             

6               $31,590        47,385            63,180            78,975            94,106            

7               $35,610        53,415            71,220            89,025            106,830           

8               $39,630        59,445            79,260            99,075            118,890            

Each         $  4,020          5,347              6,030              8,040              12,060              

I am sorry about the chart. I tried numerous times and ways to correct it. The blog application just did not "like" the graph. My apologies.

3. Cyprus. The fall of the banks in this country will require any of the wealthier accounts to give 60% of their funds to the government to stabilize the banks. This will include the major church of the island, the Orthodox church, to do the same thing. They will loose over $130 million. But of course there is more to the story. Please see the graphic from Glen Beck's website that describes some of the reasons for the financial destruction of Cyprus. See:
Now ask yourself, can the same reasons happen here? Are the same things happening here? France is purposing a 75% tax on their richest inhabitants. What really is the difference between this tax and the bail-in imposed by Cyprus leaders? Think about the taxes Congress is considering for us.

As we watch others making decisions, always remember to take care of what you have stewardship over. What is within your sphere of influence? What can you do to be prepared? Act. Now. You have a plan. Start now to implement it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Working Wednesday: Cyprus and It's Lessons For Us

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I have been watching the bank situation in Cyprus recently and then the European Union for quite some time. I believe our world is quite small when it comes to finances. I suppose my readers have also seen where Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have formed an institution (BRICS) similar to the World Bank and will be its competitor.

Back to Cyprus, which is an island where those with Greek heritage and the Turks have argued about ownership for years. Turkish troops occupy 40% of the northern part of this little piece of land in the Mediterranean Sea. Now the government has another crisis on its hands-going bankrupt.

The two news articles at the end of this blog gives details to the problem, but essentially this has been coming for a long time. As soon as the Greece banks fell, Cyprus knew they would be next since their banks held major deposits in that country too. Russian backed banks have a presence on the island and they are having problems also.

Bailout or Bail-in? The European Union has bailed out banks in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Greece.
What they are planning for Cyprus--have personal accounts bailout the banks. In other words, a "bail- in". I couldn't quite understand if this will go through, but people cannot get all of their money out at one time. They are limited to a daily quota. The regular "Joe on the street" is bailing his own bank out by not being able to access his funds. So far, people are not rushing their banks and getting only what they need. Perhaps the seriousness of the situation has sunk in since the Orthodox Church has announced they will loose about $130 million from their deposits. But they are ready to stand with the people as the people loose too.

Lessons Learned
1. Have an emergency fund on hand. And make it cash, in small enough bills to transact anywhere. I know this may be hard depending upon where your business is located, so make arrangements, find a location you can travel to, etc. where you can access cash that is not in a bank. Banks fail. Take precautions. In fact, think of several emergency scenarios (weather, etc.) and plan ahead.

2. How dependent are you on credit card transactions? How many transactions can you make with the cash you have on hand? Likewise, would you insist on cash from customers if banks fail like in Cyprus? If not when? Start working with some of your more solid suppliers and customers with basic discussions. Perhaps an emergency 7-14 day plan can be put into action due to the forethought of yourself and them. 

3. Diversify your funds. Think of opening several accounts in different financial institutions. Check out what each offers, what and how they lend to small business, and to you as a person. Don't keep all your funds in one place.

4. Ask yourself how many steps back can I take? Write it down. How close are you to shutting your doors? Get help now if you need to and/or ask questions to steady your business foundation. Take the time to seek for ways to improve your business now. I know this is hard because there is always something that needs your attention. I know there is always critical mass when you are a small business owner. That is why I talk about the "panoramic view" so often. Being too close deflects what you need to see. Step away every once in awhile and give the other side of the brain something to think about. Planning is just as important as action. It is a partnership, a relationship that has to have balance. If done right, it is one you can always count on.